Monday, May 29, 2023

Blog Revival


Welcome back, friends!

You may follow me on social media but it's been several months since I've posted here. And even if you do follow me on social media, you may have noticed that I haven't been quite as active on any of my platforms lately. Which leads us directly into why I'm slowly reviving my blog!

To put it as concisely as possible, life is busy and social media can be stressful. I had some health issues at the end of last year and early part of this year, plus changing jobs (I'm now back to working at a fine arts museum. Yay!), and I've just been feeling a general disconnect from the sort of energy that social media platforms bring. The only one I truly enjoy using is Instagram, but I don't have a whole lot of free time to create visual content on a regular basis to make the algorithm love me. 

So, in the spirit of staying connected while also protecting my free time, I've decided to attempt to start posting here weekly (most likely my posts will go up on Mondays) and I will still post links to my social media platforms to let you know. I will also use them for other occasional posts, but at least you'll know that this is the place where I'll be more regularly and I hope to be able to share so much more with you here about what writing projects I'm working on along with life updates and things that just generally interest me.

I'm hoping this will be a much more personal way to stay connected with you all while providing a place you know you can go to find out updates and more about my books!

Please feel free to let me know what you'd like for me to post about here and if there are any specific topics that you'd be interested in seeing me cover.

I'll be back next week (like I said, hopefully Monday!) with updates on my progress with The Dapper Detective.

Thanks for reading!

🖤 Dez