Monday, January 1, 2024

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year, friends!

2023 was a wild ride of highs and lows. Everything from having my gallbladder removed to taking our 15th wedding anniversary trip to Walt Disney World! A few other highlights were seeing Blink-182 in concert, turning 40, and my daughter turning 20. From the writing/publishing side, it was a bit of a slow year for me (mostly due illness/surgery) so I only had the chance to write and publish one story: The Dapper Detective. But I'm more than thrilled with that story and how well it was received! If you grabbed a copy already, thank you again for delving into the Nott Haven world!

I haven't made New Year's resolutions in a while, opting to choose a "word for the year" the past few years. For 2024, I'm choosing a phrase! Create Magic. I really want this year to be about prioritizing creating new stories, art, and habits in my daily life that really enhance focusing on the magic in life. This means a lot more Dreampunk content will be heading your way!

Here are the stories I plan to write/publish this year:

Also, as many of you know, social media has been an inconsistent and draining place for most of us. Platforms are being hijacked by their hate-spewing owners, algorithms are unforgiving, and just the general time-consumption of it all. So, I've really been putting a lot of thought into where I'm going to allocate my time when it comes to my online presence as an author. For the first quarter of the year (I'm going to see how it goes), I will mainly be on Instagram because even though the algorithm hates me there, I do generally enjoy using the platform more than any of the others. I plan to cross-post to Facebook. Other than that, I hope to update this blog more regularly and engage more on Goodreads (especially since I'd like to spend more time this coming year reading as much as I write). Please feel free to join me any of these places to keep up with my writing progress, my reading, sales, and new releases. I love engaging with my readers and I'm hoping that narrowing down the platforms that I'm on will help me to stay better connected with you all!

Wishing you all a very happy and magical 2024! ✨

💜 Dez

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